Vertical Rotary Parking System

Vertical Rotary Car Parking is a cost-efficient mechanized parking system that will expand your parking capacity up to 10 times more.

Vertical Rotary Parking System

Vertical Rotary parking is the ideal mechanized parking Solution to increase your parking capacity in a given tight and limited space.

Rotary car parking systems are designed to maximize the number of parking spaces in a compact footprint, making them ideal for urban areas where space is limited. This Rotary parking mechanism is mechanized by the theory of ups and downs, highs and lows, or cycles resemble. Also Employ various mechanisms to efficiently stack and retrieve vehicles in a vertical arrangement. This mechanism uses elevators or lifts to vertically transport vehicles to different levels within the parking structure.

Vertical Rotary Parking System


  • Space saving.
  • Minimal human intervention.
  • Ensures that the parked vehicles are safe and secure.
  • Rotates both directions for optimal efficiency.
    • High space efficiency – 20 cars Parks in the space of 2
    • Quick installation within 3 – 5 days
    • Long useful life span (15 – 20 years)
    • Low power consumption
    • Low noise level (60 ~ 75 decibel)
    • Manual Retrieval of Cars When there is a breakdown or Power failure
    • The system is a patented technology from the Korean company.
    • Dong yang PC who is a pioneer in mechanical car parking that expands parking capacity vertically to free up valuable land space.
Rotary Car Parking

Safety Features

Advantage of Vertical parking system

  • With a minimal footprint of 2 parking to accommodate up to 20 cars.
  • This System Uses a Single Geared Motor to Rotate its Cars Within the Optimal Minimum Space.
    • It is completely a Mechanical Structure thus Less Wear and Tear and More Useful Life.
    • Another value-added feature is the turntable that can turn your car 360 degrees.
    • Fastest Retrieval cars
    • This facilitates your parking system even in dead space.
    • Multiple entries in series.
    • Vertical Rotary Car Parking is a cost-efficient mechanized parking system that will expand your parking capacity up to 10 times more.

Advantage Vertical Rotary Parking System

Vertical Rotary Parking System Left Side



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Specification SM20L SM18L SM16L SM14L SM12L SM10L SM8L SM16SU SM14SU SM12SU SM10SU SM8SU SM16XL SM18XL
Car series Sedan SUV Tall Boy
Parking Capacity 20 cars 18 cars 16 cars 14 cars 12 cars 10 cars 8 cars 16 cars 14 cars 12 cars 10 cars 8 cars 16 cars 18 cars
System Dimensions Length (mm) 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370 6,370
Width (mm) 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,300 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,350 5,350
Height (mm) 22,000 20,100 18,100 16,200 14,300 12,400 10,500 20500 18300 16100 13900 11700 21800 21900

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